Konstantinos Grigorakis

MEng Chemical Engineering

PhD Candidate

Research Interests

My research focuses on the protein engineering of enzymes involved in the degradation of both natural and synthetic polymers. By leveraging computational and experimental techniques, I aim to enhance enzyme stability, activity, and specificity for applications in industrial biocatalysis, develop protein engineering methodologies and contribute to the development of environmentally friendly biotechnological solutions for waste management and circular economy initiatives. If natural enzymes can’t break it down fast enough, I’ll give them a little help.

Education and Work Experience

PhD Candidate, Biotechnology                                           2023-present

Laboratory of Biotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

Thesis: Protein engineering of synthetic and natural polymer degrading enzymes


MEng, Chemical Engineering                                              2017-2022

School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (9.30/10)

Diploma Thesis: Expression and isolation of ligninolytic enzymes


Publications List

Grigorakis, K.; Ferousi, C.; Topakas, E. Protein Engineering for Industrial Biocatalysis: Principles, Approaches, and Lessons from Engineered PETases. Catalysts 202515, 147. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal15020147 (Cover story)

Conferences List

Grigorakis K., Nikolaivits E., Ferousi C., Topakas E., Poster: Discovery of a thermotolerant MHET hydrolase scaffold using bioinformatics and machine learning, 14th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, 29-31 May, 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Ferousi C, Giouroukou E., Grigorakis K., Koutrotsios G., Zervakis G., Topakas E., Karnaouri A., Poster: Exploring the fungal potential for natural and synthetic polymer degradation, 10th International Conference of Mikrobiokosmos, 02-04 December 2023, Larissa, Greece.

Missions / Seminars / Workshops / Meetings List

COZYME Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), University of Lisbon, Computational BiopHysics (Machuqueiro) Lab, 15/09/2024 – 30/09/2024, Lisbon, Portugal, Funded by the EU, COST Action CA21162 “COZYME” (COmputationally assisted design of enZYMEs).

COZYME Meeting, University of Zagreb, 24/04/2024 – 26/04/2024 Zagreb, Croatia, Presentation: Grigorakis K., Marques S., Makryniotis K., Nikolaivits E., Bednar D., Topakas E., Computational design and experimental validation of mutations to stabilize DmPETase, a thermophilic enzyme for PET depolymerization. Funded by the EU, COST Action CA21162 “COZYME” (COmputationally assisted design of enZYMEs).

FEBS Advanced Course 2023: Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis, University of Zagreb, 25/09/2023 – 29/09/2023        Zagreb, Croatia, Poster: Grigorakis K., Marques S., Makryniotis K., Nikolaivits E., Bednar D., Topakas E., Enhancing the stability of PET-degrading DmPETase with rational and computational enzyme design.

COZYME Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), Masaryk University, Loschmidt Laboratories, 01/07/2023 – 31/07/2023, Brno, Czech Republic, Funded by the EU, COST Action CA21162 “COZYME” (COmputationally assisted design of enZYMEs).

4th Hands-On Computational Enzyme Design Course, Masaryk University, Loschmidt Laboratories, 29/05/2023 – 01/06/2023, Brno, Czech Republic.